In underground facilities, fire is particularly dangerous: slow escape, smoke and toxic gases are moved in the direction of escape, often the inadequate smoke exhausting efficiency and the difficulty to rescue people due to hard access and long distances.

Callio FireLAB project will develop a fire laboratory utilizing the unique underground infrastructure of the Pyhäsalmi mine for piloting and demonstrating business needs. The target group of the project are: underground mining and tunneling technology companies, construction and energy industry, mining companies, blasting companies and research institutes, and regional fire & rescue departments developing or testing new products and solutions for future.

Callio FireLAB project is funded by project led by Business Finland to develop, brand, network and promote Finnish testbeds with domestic and global partners.

Official project brochure is available here.

Further information:

Chief Development Officer, +358 40 180 9511, 

Business research, development and innovation opportunities